Performance and Belted Range

Specialized Range

Technical Range

Accessories - Lanyards and Kern-mantel Ropes

All Harnesses


Adequate training on correct use of this equipment must be provided to the
user by a competent person before this equipment is issued for use. Simply
reading the equipment user instructions does not suffice as adequate training.
This equipment must not be used by a person with any medical condition that
could affect their safety when using the equipment in normal or emergency
use. It is recommended that at least every three months the fall arrest system
(or component) or other equipment be inspected by a competent person. This
equipment is intended to be used for ‘fall arrest’, ‘work restraint’ and/or ‘rope
access’ as indicated. This equipment is not intended to be used for any other
purpose other than indicated and may not be used outside of its limitations. This
equipment becomes obsolete 5 years from manufacture date, regardless of
the condition of the equipment. This equipment must be used strictly in accordance
with the instructions given and without deviation. This equipment is used
entirely outside of the manufacturers control and accordingly the manufacturer
cannot be held liable for any loss, claim or liability arising from any failure of
this equipment from any cause whatsoever.

Applicable standards

SANS 50354:2003 PPE against falls from a height – Lanyards
SANS 50355:2003 PPE against falls from a height – Energy absorbers
SANS 50358:2008 PPE against falls from a height – Work positioning
SANS 50361:2003 PPE against falls from a height – Full body harnesses
SANS 50362:2008 PPE against falls from a height – Connectors
SANS 50363:2003 PPE against falls from a height – Fall arrest systems
SANS 50364:1992 PPE against falls from a height – Test methods
SANS 50365:2008 PPE against falls from a height – General requirements
SANS 50795:1996 PPE against falls from a height – Anchor devices
SANS 50813:1997 PPE against falls from a height – Sit harnesses
SANS 50566:1997 Mountaineering equipment – Slings
SANS 50353-2:2003 – Guided type fall arrestors
EN 341:1992 – Descender devices for rescue
EN 360:2002 – Retractable type fall arrestors
EN 891:1998 – Low stretch kernmantel ropes
EN 892:2012 – Dynamic mountaineering ropes