Application Emergency self-rescue device
System Controlled descent device where a person self-rescuing safely descends at an automatically limited speed
Anchor sling 150cm
Kernmantel static rope 11mm (30m rope length only)
Auto descender device(YIE003)) d. Twist-lock carabiner connector e. Gear bag 50 Limitations Maximum descent height of 30m, maximum load of 150kg, descent speed of 0.8m/s to 1.5m/s depending on the weight of the load
Training Required: Unit Standard ID: 229998 Explain and perform fall arrest techniques when working at heights
Conforms to SANS 50362:2008
Connectors, SANS 50795:1996
Anchor devices, SANS 50353-2: 2003
Guided type fall arrestors, and SANS 51891:1998
Low stretch kernmantel ropes